Swyers Dairy Tour for AITC

Students touring Swyers Dairy in Dansville.

Reading to students during Ag Literacy festivities.

We celebrate Ag Literacy annually in March!

Ian Coyle reading to students during Ag Literacy Week

The Livingston County Administrator reading to students during Ag Literacy Week!

Ag in the Classroom

Our Ag in the Classroom educator works with Livingston County school districts (Grades PreK-12) to foster awareness, understanding, and appreciation of how agriculture impacts our everyday lives. The goal is to help educate students, teachers, and our community about agriculture and food systems. This is done by developing innovative lessons that mirror what is going on in the community.

During the 2023-2024 school year, our program reached over 15,000 student contacts. 

Thousands of farm products are in the world around us - on our plates, in the clothes we wear, in the medicine that makes us well, and in Earth-friendly fuels and plastics. With less than 2% of our population involved in production agriculture, many don't understand the scope of agricultural products.

New York Ag Literacy Week

In celebration of New York agriculture, volunteers throughout the state read a book with an agricultural theme to students. Students and teachers also benefit from hands-on lessons and receive follow up activities. The book is then donated to the school or classroom library with a bookplate recognizing the donor and NY Agricultural Literacy Week. 

All lessons and activities align with NYS and Common Core Learning Standards. 

This year, Ag Literacy Week was celebrated March 18-22, 2024. Volunteers read the book "I LOVE Strawberries" by Sharon Anderson to students in Grades K-3 throughout the month of March.

If you are interested in learning more about Ag Literacy Week, please contact Jenn Schwab at jls669@cornell.edu.

Visit the New York State Ag in the Classroom website to learn more about statewide activities and agriculture-themed books that have been featured in previous years.


Jennifer Schwab
4-H & Ag in the Classroom Educator

Last updated March 5, 2025