Students listening during Bike Rodeo

CCE-Livingston offers safety education programs for your family.

Mother playing with infant, for use with "Why do you parent the way you do" classes
Image by iStock Photo

Check out our resources and training in family life skills...

A woman and her son prepare an omelet.
Image by USDA

CCE Livingston offers nutrition information, healthy recipes, classes... and MORE!


Home & Family

Consumers, homemakers, and families deal with many complex issues today - from parenting children in a violent world, to making sense of conflicting health and nutrition messages in the media, to balancing work and family, to managing household resources. CCE of Livingston County responds to these changing needs by offering educational opportunities and resources designed to help empower individuals and families to improve the quality of their lives, become competent consumers, and build better communities.

Visit the Cornell University College of Human Ecology website for more information on the latest research, connection to Extension, and more. Here, you will also find a link to Cornell's Bronfenbrenner Center for Translational Research.

Last updated February 3, 2023